Park view appartment
In this project we were called to fully renovate a mid century Athenian apartment overlooking a large park.

The owners, a writer and a photographer/coffee aficionado, wished to create a spacious two bedroom apartment with a large living and dining area, a writers corner, a kitchen with a breakfast/café area, a barista corner and a handicapped-accessible bathroom. The client’s use of a wheelchair demanded large rooms and unobstructed motion routes through the apartment.

To achieve these requirements several of the interior walls were eliminated creating larger and brighter spaces that facilitated the program. The new kitchen area is the result of the unification of two existing spaces in the back side of the apartment. The opening of a large balcony door allowed morning light in throughout the apartment. An L shaped wall with colourful cabinets, accommodates all kitchen appliances and storage, as well as the barista corner where the clients’ artisanal coffee preparation equipment is located. A bespoke metal frame movable island adds working surface, while allowing for extra flexibility. The breakfast area and its proximity to the barista corner were envisioned as a miniature café within the apartment. Both the barista corner and the island are free of cabinets underneath in order to allow wheelchair access.

The living area located at the façade of the building, was also expanded through the unification of two existing rooms creating one continuous living and dinning space with visual access to the park. The large space between the kitchen and the living room acts as a hub connecting all functions of the apartment and holds the writer’s corner, created by combining a vintage shelving system with a custom designed desk to match. The auxiliary spaces on the left of the entrance corridor were also reconfigured to create a guest bathroom, a laundry room and a handicap accessible bathroom.

The use of bold colors, and the mix of mid century modern furniture with contemporary elements gives this apartment an eclectic and joyful character.

photographed by Giorgos Vitsaropoulos
