Building requirements in combination with rigorous site analysis generate the "idea", a conceptual basis that drives the design process. This is a dynamic process that involves constant questioning, reevaluation and flexibility.

We use design tools such as drawings, 3d renderings and collages in order to test and communicate our ideas. We like to challenge ourselves by working in a variety of scales, from the larger area of the site, the building and its interiors, to the furniture which we perceive to be an integral part of architecture. Our mission is to create spaces of a high aesthetic level, that respond to the clients needs, and inspire the user.

Lena Sparis studied architecture at Cornell University in Ithaca NY and attended the Cornell Architecture in Rome Program. After graduating she moved to Los Angeles where she worked for several years in offices for the design and construction of large scale projects such as university buildings, theatres and sports stadiums. In 2004 she returned to Greece and worked at smaller offices in the field of hospitality and residential architecture. The last years she has been working with a flexible team of associates on residential architecture and apartment renovations.

She has also experimented with jewelry design and production and has established a continuous collaboration with the Benaki Museum Shop in Athens.